# of watchers: 27
Fans: 0
| D20: 18 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2004-06-20 [Cliché]: ....dots....ar
2004-06-20 [Heather Feather]: *is alittle happier*You're funny^^
2004-06-20 [Cliché]: Umm...thanks, I think...Were you in a bad mood?
2004-06-20 [Heather Feather]: Not a bad mood...i'm depressed
2004-06-20 [Cliché]: Oh, that stinks, i do that sometimes
2004-06-20 [Heather Feather]: ..............
2004-06-20 [Cliché]: I don't find it so bad, but then, I'm used to it. It's the alone feeling that everyone hates you that I hate. Not the just down in the dumps feeling I always get
2004-06-20 [Heather Feather]: ..............
2004-06-20 [Cliché]: I guess it can be, this happen to you often
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: No
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: I see, It happens to me a lot, so I guess I'm used to it. But hey, it's allright, there's nothing really wrong, right? You just feel depressed.
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I guess.......me andmy boyfreind got into a stupid fight and split up........
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: that sucks....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: yeah..........
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Don't get too upset about it, he'll come crawling back. And if he doesn't, well then there are plenty other guys out there
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ..............
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Okay then, dump his ass! if you don't like him, tell him that! He'll move on...eventuall
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Naturally I did dump him but he won't let it go.
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Then tell him your not interested. If he still doesn't listen, get mad at him, yell! Or you could always try to match him up w/ someone else
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: that's a good idea........
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Isn't it though? I feel proud, seeing as I've never dated anyone in my life
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Oh my goodness^^
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: And I'm 15! You're 12! hehe, I'm that way though, won't date a guy even if I'm head over heels and He asks me
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Why?
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: *shrugs* Because I'm like that.
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: hey, i've never dated anyone and i'm 15, but i think i might be dating someone now.. XD
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: oh..
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Yah, but if someone you liked asked you, you would, right?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Yeah
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: I wouldn't, so you see, I'm strange
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: yeah...you kind of...are
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Yep! *is proud*
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ..............
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Told ya I'm wierd
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: lol, yah
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ^^
2004-06-21 [Kiristo]: someone keeps deleting my comments.
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: You're the only one who can do that.
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: yah, unless someone knows your password
2004-06-21 [Kiristo]: no one knows it.......i think
2004-06-21 [Kiristo]: ....how do u bald like that?
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: You put < b > except w/out spaces, then < / b> to end it
2004-06-21 [Kiristo]: k, ^^
2004-06-21 [Amerthyst]: im not in this..i want to be o.o SHINIES!!! (is knowing for her shiniy lovin in games, collects em) *bounces around with her tail flicking about* shiny shiny!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: *hops around*Bizzaro
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Bizzaro?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ^^Hey you were right!He did come crawling back!For never having a boyfreind you know alot about what they'll do...
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Well, they're very simple creatures
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ^^I agree....and bizzaro is the name of the team thing in Sealab 2021
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Oh, I don't watch that show
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ^^oh...well there was this one episode where they found a half turtle and half human creature and all it could do was jump around and say bizzaro and then one guy says 'Hahaha I gave him a peanut!'and another said 'so?' and the first one said 'the little freak is allergic' so it died X.x
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Riiiiiiggggghh
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: It was cute until it died....
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: i c.....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Do you watch sealab?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: me?no
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: 0o...No OnE wAtChEs It....HoW uNfOrTuNaTe...
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: oh well,such is life...
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: nOt FoR mE
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: ok.....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: No MuM,nOt ThE iNsAnE aSyLuM........
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: i think there is a wiki called that...my friends in it i think....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: lIgHtNiNg BrInGs ThE cAcTuS pAiN,nOw It AlL bEgInS aGaIn;Of CrUmBlEd InN fEw ReMiNiScE,iT's FaUlTy BeAmS wIlL nOt Be MiSsEd;LoNeLy MuShRoOm BuRsTs To FlAmE iN tHe LaNdS tHaT qUiCkSaNdS cLaIm;ThReE rOcKs AwAiT tHe WiNtEr'S kIsS,oNe By OnE tHeY fInD tHiEr BlIsS;iN tHe EnD sHaLl BlOoM a FlOwEr,HoLy LiGhT rEvEaLs It'S pOwEr....
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: cool....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ^^It'S fRoM a GaMe Of MiNe...KiNdA fReAkY hUh?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: no,its cool.what game?
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: A HALF WOLF!!!! WOOW!!!
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: FiNaL fAnTaSy:CrYsTa
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Awwww....you are LITTLE too!
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: .....yEaH.....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: AWWW....I wanna pat you on the head...
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: riiiiiiiiiight
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: yEs WeLl.....
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: idk
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: EXCUUUUSE me! I am only trying to be FRIENDLY! God!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: nYaH nYaH!^^
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: ooooook then.....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: I hate you....you lot have driven me to SUICIDE! You won't hear from me EVER AGAIN!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: YoU'rE bEiNg PeRfEcTlY fRiEnDlY....i'
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Oh I see....so NOW you are a PERSON!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I'm A pErSoN-iSh....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: What is the rest? A wolf?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: how have we driven u to suicide? we think u r being nice...
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: i'M pArT wOlF aNd DoG.....wItH a HuMaN fOrM....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: ARRGGHHH! THE KNIFE SLASHES MY SKIN!!! part dog?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: hAlF dOg HaLf WoLf!!
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Oh I see....like Balto then?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah,and her name is blue
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: FrOm WoLf'S rAiN...iT's An AnImE...
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Balto?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: nO,bLuE
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Ba...lto?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: do u watch wolfs rain?
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Balto? And Nope...don't watch anime I am afraid!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: oF cOuRsE i Do.....
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah, wolfs rain is awesome,i know a wiki about wiolfs rain
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I rEaLlY dOn'T lIkE wIkI's LiKe ThAt....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Yeah....wiiiki
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: o, ok
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: ooooook,i c
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: You and wolfie/doggie are very similar...are you the same person?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: TrY hElL nO
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Oh...okay...I be from Bally Old England! Where might you two pests be from?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: nj
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Hey? What does "nj" mean?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Im FrOm An EvIl PlAcE cAlLeD fLoRiDa....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Ugh....I can see what you mean by "evil" thats where Disney land is...
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: If ThAt'S wHaT's EvIl To YoU tRy LiViNg HeRe In 100 DeGrEe HeAt........
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: i lived in tampa for a bit,but i moved to new jersey
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: fLoRiDa SuCkS....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Oh yeah? If you want bloody evil try living HERE in endless BLOODY RAIN! GRRAAA
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I lIkE rAiN.......
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Not every day...all year...non stop even is SUMMER! WE DON'T EVEN GET SNOW! COS ITS BLOODY RAINING!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: We DoN't GeT sNoW eItHeR
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: yeah...but you have the sun instead! ALL WE GET IS RAIN!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I hAtE tHe SuN....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Thats cos you live in it all the time...which is why I hate the rain!
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah,but what part of florida u from?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I lIkE lIgHtNiNg ToO.....
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: um...I am not from Florida!? I am from England
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: i am asking [Heather Feather]...what part r u from?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: OrLaNdO
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: sweet! i am going to be there onn saturday,i am flying in to stay with my aunt and uncle for a week.. i was born there
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: cOoL
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah......i know
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: WhErE iN oRlAnDo?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: what do u mean by where in orlando? where was i born? or where do they live?
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: umm..what's with TyPiNg LikE tHis?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: idk....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: wHeRe Do ThEy LiVe?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: idk...
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Oh...ToO bAd
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah....
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ...........
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: ••••••i can do that too
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: how did u do the squares?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: NoRmAl DoTs
2004-06-21 [mywolfalways]: LooK I cAn tYpE liKe A cRazY HeaD wHo dOeSnt kNoW anYthIng aBouT graMmAr aNd EnJoyS seEinG peOplE HuRt thEiR EyEs tRyInG tO ReaD ThIs
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: but bigger....i get it
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: the hell..can you not type like that.. it's annoying.
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ThAnK yOu RaNdOm FaGgOt.....If ThE pErSoN i'M tAlKiNg To WaNt'S mE tO sToP,i WiLl.
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: it is
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: yes, well that 'random faggot' happens to own this wiki and i'm gonna kick your ass out if you continue to be rude.
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: NoT yOu ThE oThEr gUy!
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: what guy?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: me?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: [mywolfalways]
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: okay, time to drop it.
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: ok,cool.as long as i aint the fag....
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: agreed.
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Nope^^
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah,anyways..
2004-06-21 [Dil*]: not much...drew something(realism)..added some jewels, crap like that.
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: You people are just FILLED with enthusiasm aren't you?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: *smiles a fake smile* yes we r *smile fades*
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: over the edge enthusiasm....
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yepo!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ?Yepo?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: c what happens when i am bored,i say strange things....my foot burns in pain
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: You're welcome....o0;
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: ok then...... y am i thanking u?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: I say random things too^^
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: oh,ok.but i was serious,my foot burned
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: @@...oh
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yeah,it did ....*_*
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: -.< is it better now?
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: yup! ever since it woke up..it was alseep,i moved it,and it started to burn
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: .....that's...
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: i guess.....idk
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: How nice of your foot
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: i know
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: *has run out of things to say*
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: me too!
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: .......bandaid
2004-06-21 [Keeper of Darkness]: ^_^ I made shinies
2004-06-21 [dani california 311]: cool
2004-06-21 [Keeper of Darkness]: *does shiney dance*
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Hello!!! You guys talked alot! @.@
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: ^^yesh we did
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: HEELLLLOOO!
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Hi!!
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Hello Billy!
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Ummm...my name's samie
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Billy?
2004-06-21 [Heather Feather]: Bandaid?
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Bill...y?
2004-06-21 [Cliché]: Who's Billy???
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: BIILLLY!!
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: Ever seen "Dexters Lab:Ego Trip"?
2004-06-21 [Amber_eyes]: hey guys.
2004-06-21 [gothicmoo]: HEELLLOOOO!
Number of comments: 1879
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